Dr. Alfredo Zuiko: Expert in Maxillofacial Surgery


December 15, 2023

Dr. Alfredo Zuiko: Expert in Maxillofacial Surgery |, ,

In the realm of maxillofacial surgery, Dr. Alfredo Zuiko stands as a beacon of excellence, bringing unparalleled expertise and compassion to each patient’s journey.

With a comprehensive range of treatments and an unwavering commitment to patient care, Dr. Zuiko has emerged as a prominent figure in transforming smiles and restoring facial harmony. Let’s delve into the diverse spectrum of treatments offered by Dr. Alfredo Zuiko:

Orthognathic Surgery by Dr. Alfredo Zuiko

  • Correcting jaw irregularities: Dr. Zuiko specializes in correcting misaligned jaws, addressing issues such as overbites, underbites, and open bites.
  • Improving facial aesthetics: With precision and skill, Dr. Alfredo Zuiko enhances facial balance and harmony through orthognathic procedures.

Dr Alfredo Zuiko

3D planning and a perfectly executed surgery are essential to Dr Zuiko’s success

Facial Asymmetry Surgery with Dr. Zuiko

  • Tailored solutions: Dr. Zuiko employs personalized approaches to rectify facial asymmetry, restoring symmetry and proportion to the face.
  • Advanced techniques: Utilizing cutting-edge methods, Dr. Alfredo Zuiko achieves natural-looking results, ensuring patient satisfaction.

Facial Asymmetry

Facial Asymmetry correction often includes orthodontics to reposition the teeth before surgery 

Wisdom Teeth Extractions and Complex Surgeries

  • Expert extractions: Dr. Zuiko adeptly handles wisdom teeth extractions, ensuring minimal discomfort and swift recovery.
  • Complex procedures: From intricate bone grafts to intricate sinus lifts, Dr. Alfredo Zuiko’s proficiency in complex surgeries is unparalleled.

modern dentistry in lima

All patients have a 3D tomography scan included in their consultation fee at no additional cost.

Dental Implants by Dr. Alfredo Zuiko

  • Restoring smiles: Dr. Zuiko specializes in dental implant procedures, providing patients with reliable, long-lasting solutions for missing teeth.
  • Customized approach: Each patient’s case is meticulously evaluated to create tailored implant solutions for optimal function and aesthetics.

Dr Alfredo Zuiko

Modern, spacious dental units at our clinic here in Lima

Bone Graft and Sinus Lift Procedures

  • Augmenting bone structure: Dr. Zuiko performs bone graft surgeries to enhance bone volume, facilitating successful dental implant placement.
  • Sinus lift expertise: With precision and care, Dr. Alfredo Zuiko executes sinus lift procedures to create the necessary space for effective dental implants.

Dr Alfredo Zuiko

Dr. Alfredo Zuiko’s dedication to the field of maxillofacial surgery extends beyond technical expertise. His patient-centric approach ensures that individuals receive not only exceptional surgical care but also compassionate support throughout their treatment journey.

With a keen focus on utilizing innovative techniques and prioritizing patient comfort, Dr. Zuiko continues to redefine standards in maxillofacial surgery, earning trust and admiration from patients seeking transformative and life-changing procedures.

For those seeking a compassionate and highly skilled maxillofacial surgeon, Dr. Alfredo Zuiko stands as a beacon of hope, bringing smiles and confidence back to countless lives.


For additional information or to schedule an appointment with one of our specialists, please contact us. Leave us a message asking for a video call or a regular call, and we’ll be back with you shortly.

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